Message from the Minister for International Trade & Investment, Hon. Richard Maru, MP, BTech, MBA, OBE

Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank my people of Yangoru Sausia District for voting me back to represent them in this term of Parliament. I also want to put on record my sincere thank you to the Prime Minister Hon. James Marape for creating this new Ministry and for appointing me as the first Minister for International Trade and Investment.
When I was the Minister for Trade, Commerce and Industry, my vision was to stabilize the trade function and put a stop to the function becoming a football between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. I got the NEC to approve the Trade Policy and the establishment of the National Trade Office as the institution that would oversee the implementation of the National Trade Policy. I did not know that five years down the line, the Office that I created or visualized would become a Ministry of its own and I would be the first Minister to serve in that Ministry.
I now welcome genuine investors across the globe and our citizens who can meaningfully work towards archiving the aims and goals set forth by the Ministry of International Trade and Investment in the current Marape-Rosso Govermnet.
This Ministry is responsible for all the matters related to Port Moresby Stock Exchange, Security Commissions of PNG, Special Economic Zone Authority, Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ), Konebada Petroleum Park, and National Trade Office.
News Headlines & Press Statements

Minister Maru Directs Securities Commission of PNG to Investigate Newmont Corporation for Breach of Agreement
10-12-2024 Port Moresby, December 11, 2024
The Minister for International Trade and Investment, Hon. Richard Maru, has expressed grave concerns over Newmont Corporation’s decision to shift its country office to Australia, an action that represents a direct violation of the commitments outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Papua New Guinea (PNG). Amongst others, one of the understandings reached on October 9, 2023, was for Newmont’s head office to be based in the country for mutual benefits, foster economic growth, and to uphold national interests.
Investigation into East New Britain Palm Oil Limited Underway
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 28th November 2024
Kokopo, East New Britain Province, November 28, 2024- The investigation into dealings of East New Britain Palm Oil Limited (ENBPOL) and its business conduct towards the local oil palm growers in the Gazelle Peninsula and Wide Bay area in East New Britain (ENB) Province is currently underway.
The investigation team led by Chairman, Mr. David Mather, and Counsel Tony Waisi, arrived in Kokopo on Sunday, November 24, 2024, and initiated the investigation by convening meetings with key stakeholders including the ENB Provincial Administration, growers from Gazelle Peninsula and Wide Bay area, and the management of the company concerned.
The investigation is guided by the Terms of Reference as approved by the NEC, and fully supported by the National Government and the ENB Provincial Government.
The team will be visiting some of the locations, including the mills, and will be having further conversations with the growers in the remainder of the week before returning to Port Moresby.
Chairman, Mr. Mather said: “We are thankful for the support of the ENB Provincial Government and for the turnup of the growers in numbers to provide their side of the story, and for the cooperation of the concerned company. We are committed to engaging all stakeholders. We have a lot of work to do but this is a good start. We will wrap up the investigation in Port Moresby, and we are hoping for cooperation from all stakeholders to get the investigation completed in the next three weeks.”
Approved for Release
The New Ministry of International Trade & Investment of Papua New Guinea for the first time ever in 47 Years after independence Presented the National Trade Bill 2023 on the Floor of Parliment and was successfully passed by the Members of Parliment on the 19th of January 2023. It is one of the biggest milestone archived by the Ministry under the Leadership of Hon. Richard Maru, Minister for International Trade & Investment.

Minister Maru Calls on United States to Step Up
Port Moresby, September 24, 2024
The remains of the fallen US servicemembers were farewelled today in a repatriation ceremony held at the APEC Terminal in Port Moresby as they made their final journey back to the United States (US).
Representing the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Minister for International Trade and Investment, Hon. Richard Maru said: “On behalf of Government and the people of PNG, I want to thank the US servicemembers who made the sacrifice over 80 years ago to come to our land, innocent and determined to free our country and ensure we had peace, and over 3,000 of them lost their lives in our waters and in our jungles. We want to commend the US Government through the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency (DPAA) for your time and effort, and the expenditure involved in searching for the remains of the former US servicemembers who went missing in action during the war. We hope the return of the remains of these fallen US servicemembers bring closure to their families and loved ones.”
Sorry! We wish to let our Applicants know that Application for Tender closed for Karamui SEZ.
Our Team to Lead PNG into Economic Independence
Meet the Key People

Hon. Richard Maru, BTech, MBA, OBE, MP
Minister for International Trade and Investment and Member for Yangoru Saussia District, East Sepik Province.

Steven Maken
First Secretary for the Minister for International Trade & Investment of Papua New Guinea

Wilfred Serenga
Second Secretary for the Ministry of International Trade & Investment of Papua New Guinea.